Oh snap! I didn't take (or can't find) any pics from making the invites for the 2010 party. They were very similar to 2007's invitations, only without the noose on the skeleton on the outside of the scroll invitation. I do have a couple of the invitations left though.


As in previous years, I started with my basic wording and layout for the main invitation. After printing the desired amount of copies, I ripped the smooth edges off of the paper, giving it that old worn look, then I crumpled them all into balls and threw them in a basket for later. I boiled up a batch of tea and poured it into a flat lasagna pan. , then I uncrumpled each page carefully and then placed them into the hot tea, making sure they were fully submerged. While I was waiting for those to soak for about 10 minutes per batch, I started with some of these skeletons on the twine strand that I picked up at Walmart. I simply removed the twine for repurposing later and had a nice stack of skellies waiting for the final touch.
Pictured below is not the invitation (obviously), but just a shot of how I do the tea-staining.
Once my 10 minutes were up, I carefully removed each page from the tea, trying not to rip an of them, and laid them all out on a bunch of old towels I had spread over most of the flat surfaces in my house. I also printed out and stained a map to our house with directions on the other side to roll inside the main invitation.
Below is the drying process. Again, not the invites for this year, but just showing the process.... laying the wet paper flat on some old towels. The paper keeps the lines where it was crumpled, and the tea sits more in those lines so each one is different.
Once everything was dry and ready to go, I rolled up the invitations with the map inside, and tied the skeleton onto the scroll with the twine from the original packaging of the strand of skellies. Simple invites, everyone loved them.



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