2006 is the year that the tombstones got a little bit different.  I made them the same way I did all the previous years, but this time I mixed sand into the paint for the final coat.  They are much heavier and sturdier and look much better than the older ones.  I only made a few of them.  2007 will get many more as I am moving the older ones to the back yard to make room for the pirate theme for '07 and trying different painting techniques.


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I made the one below for my son.  He and I were out riding our bicycles on our way back from getting some cicada exoskeletons for my witches stuff, and he decided to show me a trick on his bike.  Let's just say he ended up mangled in a heap with his bike, and I ended up with a stitch in my side from laughing really REALLY hard.  When we got home, I immediately started on this tombstone in his honor.

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